Friday, March 9, 2012

My Favorite Thing

The sun has not risen yet. It is just beginning to be light out. I love that time of day. I am siting in my living room, the coffee is going, I can see the goats out beginning to sniff around, the birds are trying to catch a worm for their breakfast. As soon as the pot is ready, I'll have a warm cup of coffee in my hand. Ahhhhhhh!. I love it. Sometimes I use the time to read. Sometimes I check my emails. Sometimes I have a quiet time. It is a quiet moment. I love it. It is my me time. There is no one else awake right now. Sometimes the kids try and sneak in and disrupt my time, but I don't let them. I just send them on their way. It is the calm before the busyness of the day. I know what you are thinking, "Don't you want to sleep in?" Rarely. This is my favorite thing. I don't want to miss the beauty of this moment for any more time in bed.

What is your moment? What is your favorite thing that refreshes you? Think about it. Maybe you don't know the answer. Maybe you don't have anything to refresh you. If not, you have got to start somewhere. Try something and become renewed. Take a moment in time for you. You will be a better mom for it.

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