Thursday, September 23, 2010

I've been using the "Think" System on you from the Parlor

"I've been using the think system on you from the parlor" is a quote from one of my favorite movies "The Music Man". The "Think" system is where you think the thought in your mind and you can do it (if you think the song in your head, you can play it). I have been using the think system on my kids recently. In our house of 3 boys, there is more talk of Star Wars and zero talk of Music Man, so maybe I have been using "the force" on my kids. Either way, I am doing it.

I have been working on math with Zachary and I find myself everyday thinking the number in my head and repeating it over and over hoping that he will say or write the number I am thinking. Sometimes he gets it and sometimes he doesn't.

I can't help but wonder if God doesn't use the think system on me. Does He see me coming to a fork in the road and keep repeating "take the right one"? When I enter into a conversation, does He say the words that I should say over and over hoping that those words will come out of me? My prayer today is this, "God keep using the think system on me. I am trying. Help me to hear the words and make the choices that you would want me to make."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Whose kids are those?

Have you ever not wanted to claim your kids? I did today. Today was our weekly trip to Target and I splurged and got the boys each their own snack. Josh has a runny nose and I am trying to not spread it around the house. Anyhow, Josh has this terrible habit of when he is done with his food, he throws it on the ground. We don't condone this behavior. He is reprimanded and yet he continues to do so. I know you can probably see where this is going, but I will tell you anyhow. So for the first time ever, Josh had his own icee. It was cherry and a lovely shade of red. He was doing fine with it, he was looking at things as we passed by until he was done. I was browsing a clearance endcap, when Josh made it clear that he was done. Icee meets floor and what looked like a small amount left in the cup, was the Red Sea on the floor at Target. So there I was on my hands and knees, asking God to multiply the 5 napkins that I had gotten at the beginning of the trip. Praying for a miracle to be performed that the five napkins would somehow soak up the red sea and that no one would pass by while I was crawling around on the floor. But you know what, people did pass by, and you know what else, I lived and my kids are still alive too. From now on, I will not look down upon the mom whose kids are out of control in the store, for she is probably praying for a miracle of her own. I have walked in those shoes and felt the embarassment that kids can bring. The moral of the story is, if you pass a mom with crazy kids, before you turn your cart in the opposite direction, give a smile or say a prayer for her. She may need it more than you know.