Sunday, May 31, 2009

We are having a situation.

Luke has been using big words recently. On Friday, he told me that he "did not appreciate" the thing that I told him he could not do as he stomped from the room. I don't remember now what it was, but he was very polite in his distaste for the situation. It was a good thing he left the room because we who were left had a hard time keeping a straight face.

Yesterday, I heard some sqwabbling upstairs. He and Zach were at it again and he came downstairs telling me that "we are having a situation". I thought it was very funny. He comes up with some that keep me hiding my smile and biting my tongue to keep from laughing.

Tonight we were outside and he saw the moon. It was a half moon and he said he would like "to go up there and put it back together in his spaceship...when are we going to be building a spaceship?" I think he is still convinced Papa can build anything, even a spaceship. We may have an astronaut farmer on our hands here.

I just have to keep on laughing. I can't let the days events weigh me down. God gave us kids who make us laugh. I just have to remember what a blessing they are.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Diaper Change

Right now my three year old is running around the house with no pants or pull up on. Just a bare bottom. He is revolting against the pull up. I am revolting against the diaper. He doesn't like the change from the diaper to anything else. So we are having a standoff. I want him to go on the potty. He is so used to the diaper and that feeling that he is having a hard time with the change. So here we are.

Isn't that the way I am with things? I don't like the feel of something new (a new routine, a new way of thinking about myself , a new conviction from God) so I revolt. I don't see the good in the new. I only can feel the change and it makes me uncomfortable.

So like Luke, I have to get used to the feeling of something new. I have to try it out a few times for a short while and then I will begin to like it. And hopefully like using the potty, it will become routine and a part of my daily life. Until then, let's all pray for the standoff to end peacefully.